
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Desire: The Blueprint of Your Future!

The starting place of great success is a burning desire! Our desires are the Blueprints of of future!

The universe is a very warm and kind place. I believe that we are all gifted with unique gifts and talents that all cry out for Divine Expression! Often times the deepest desires of our hearts are closely related to our Purpose for being.

One philosopher says "what we desire, also desires us". The Bible says that we all have angels that go before us to help us create the life that we desire!

Have you meditated and contemplated about what your unique contribution is?

What is your desire today? How will you begin to manifest these desires?

One powerful step is to really get clear about EXACTLY what it is that you desire to be, do and have in life!

Delight thyself also in the Lord (Divine Spirit) and he shall give you the desires of your heart!

May every Good and Perfect gift be yours today!

Jeremiah Gabriel LeBlanc